Fredrich Yunadi: KPK set a former lawyer Setnov as a suspect - BBC News Indonesia

Bimanesh has alleged do the same things Fredrich

KPK suspect deeds Fredrich violation of article twenty-one of ACT thirty-one about eradication of corruption, with the threat of the penalty of imprisonment of Twelve years and a maximum fine of Rp millionVice Chairman of the COMMISSION Basaria Panjaitan said, one of the efforts Fredrich obstruct the investigation of the KPK is when help Setya Novanto aka Setnov avoid the pick-up force of the investigator. Basaria said, Fredrich allegedly set up a number of things to Setnov treated in Hospital Medika Permata Hijau after the 'car accident' in West Jakarta, seventeen November twenty. 'While in hospital, although it is recognized accident, but SN (Setya Novanto) is not taken to the EMERGENCY room but the VIP inpatient. Before being treated, allegedly FY (Fredrich) has come first to coordinate with the hospital, said Basaria. 'There is information, a doctor received a phone call from one of the lawyers SN that SN will come around at. Along with Fredrich, the COMMISSION also set a doctor named bimanesh has Sutarjo be suspect.

The secretary-General of Transparency International Indonesia, Dadang Trisasongko, assess the determination of the suspect to the Fredrich is the efforts of the KPK to prevent any party blocking the investigation of corruption cases. 'Corruption is organized crime (organized crime) The message of the CEC to the public clearly, no one tried to protect or hinder (investigation of corruption), said Dadang to the BBC Indonesia.

Dadang said, the power of the law of suspects of corruption actually can not continue to sheltering behind the LAW of eighteen-twenty- about the Advocate. According to him, the protection of the laws listed in the regulations that only apply to advocates who work according to the code of ethics. 'Advocate is not immune people the law But if run the profession according to the code of ethics, they indeed can not be criminalized, said Dadang. Article sixteen of the ACT of the Advocate stated the advocate cannot be prosecuted in civil and criminal when running the task in the trial. May twenty, the Constitutional Court refer to the protection of it is also to be attached to the advocate while practicing a profession outside the hearing. But on December twenty, the Corruption Court in Jakarta handed down a guilty verdict on Otto Cornelis Kaligis, the power law ex-the Governor of North Sumatra, Gatot Pudjo Nugroho. Up to the level of cassation, Kaligis is still declared guilty of bribing a judge and the registrar of the ADMINISTRATIVE court of Medan so Billy was released from the investigation of the High court of north Sumatra. Earlier, The Directorate General Of Immigration grant the request of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to prevent Fredrich Yunadi traveling out of the country for six months. Fredrich, who was contacted by BBC Indonesia, refer to the statement of the Chairman of the Legal Team of the National executive Board of the Indonesian Advocates association, Supriyanto Refa, that the 'alleged the existence of criminalization of the profession of an advocate'. A spokesman for the KPK, Febri Diansyah, call letter prevention of Fredrich began to apply since the eight December twenty. 'Because it takes a statement and when called were in Indonesia, the Fabric said to the press about the reason of that prevention, Tuesday. To the BBC Indonesia, Fredrich claim law enforcement may not question an advocate in both civil and criminal. Fredrich cites the statement of the Chairman of the Legal Team of the National executive Board of the Indonesian Advocates association, Supriyanto Refa.