Why is ASEAN silent about the decision of the international court of arbitration

But, this area is only used as a market share for China

Is it all because there is pressure from Beijing to a country in Southeast AsiaDiplomats who don't want to be called the name it chose was reluctant to comment. According to the diplomat, ASEAN has been considering whether to issue a joint statement related to the decision of the PCA in the Hague, The netherlands. “Officials in Southeast Asian countries has prepared a draft text, but there is no agreement to publish a joint statement, ” said the diplomat again. He suspected the rejection was delivered by a two-state ally of China in Southeast Asia, namely Laos and Cambodia. “Some of the ASEAN member states certainly do not look happy. The action of this Beijing can be considered as a form of meddling in the unity of ASEAN, ” he said. Meanwhile, senior diplomats of other ASEAN said China has been the successful break down of the ASEAN through the country of his allies related to the issue of the South China Sea. Pressure similar also happened in the last month, when the country members of ASEAN suddenly changed his attitude to not admit a joint statement published by Malaysia after held a regional meeting of ASEAN-China in Kunming. In his official statement that was released on December Twelve last July, the Government Indonesia has asked that all parties involved in the dispute it's claim to hold themselves da not do the things that can trigger tension. The government also requested that all parties respect international law including the UNCLOS. “Indonesia also calls for may for all parties to continue the joint commitment to enforce the peace, as well as a show of friendship and cooperation, ” said Foreign Ministry to represent the country. In fact, the foreign Ministry spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir appealed to the public to think further than land disputes in the waters of the South China Sea. For Indonesia, said mr nasir keeping the peace was more important. “Because with the peace that contribute to economic growth and prosperity to the countries in ASEAN, ” said the man who is familiarly called Tata that when met on Thursday, twenty July in the office of the Ministry of foreign affairs. Tetany, whether it will solve the root of the problem disputes the land in the region. In the view of observers of international law, University of Indonesia, Melda Kamil Ariadno, the attitude of Indonesia in addressing the decision of the PCA doesn't encourage problem solving. While, on the other hand, it is precisely the other countries such as Australia and the United States a louder voice. “By not issuing a joint statement in response to the decision of the international court of arbitration. In fact, this momentum should be used to show that they are a real organization and not just international organizations that only kongkow-kongkow, ” said Melda when contacted by Rappler through the phone some time ago. Melda worry also ASEAN that feel most have an interest in the area of the loud-voiced, precisely opens opportunities for foreign countries participate in the intervention.

Professor in the field of the law of the sea, but it is denied if ASEAN is split in response to the decision of the PCA because of the involvement of China.

Therefore, he suggested that each country that is not allied with the Chinese to issue a statement with similar content. “Indonesia could encourage countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam to issue a joint statement, ” he said. The role of Indonesia as the country with the largest in Southeast Asia in the lead on this issue, said Melda, very important.

In various international meetings, Indonesia should continue to voice that the claims of China in the LTS unfounded and not according to the law.

Indonesia also said that China did not use military force in the area and peace must be maintained. “The goal is to invite the international community is pressing China to comply with the decision of the PCA, ” he said. Another way that can be used by ASEAN that China would abide by the decision of the PCA, namely through economic cooperation. It should be recognized several countries including Indonesia have close cooperation with China in the field of economy.

“We must be willing to sacrifice a bit of economic interests, for example through the ASEAN-China Free Trade or by reducing the consumption of products made in China.

If most countries do it, the opportunity to make the attitude of the Chinese to change getting bigger, ” said doctoral degree from the University of Washington. But, can Indonesia do that Melda called for the sake of sovereignty, Indonesia should be able to do it.