Visa Application A. S. Frequently Asked Questions - Track A Passport - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

There is no additional charge for the delivery service of your passport the entire cost has been charged to the cost of registration of the application MRV. You must take your passport at the location of the courier that is selected at the time of the interview. The location decision can be changed up to midnight on the same day with the day of the visa interview If you must travel urgently, you can take your passport more quickly at the location of the courier that is closest to the location of the your interview. The courier cost is already charged to the cost of registration of the application MRV The identity of which is acceptable to citizens of a third country (the people who live in Indonesia who are not citizens of Indonesia) YesHowever, your representative - even if a family member - must provide the following to pick up your passport: Please note: For family groups, a letter of power of attorney with information about each visa applicant can be accepted. 'Hold at Location' is a term which means the courier will hold your passport at the location of the courier appointed if the delivery address of your choice can not be served by courier. You can choose the location of the courier that is most convenient (for example, closest to the place of residence or office) from a list when scheduling interview appointments.