Tower Towers Prabowo: a Solution for Housing Problems in Indonesia

Because once again the problem is not on the amount

Yesterday afternoon I was very interested to read program to realize the vision and mission of the Prabowo - Hatta, where they promised to build twenty tower towers for low-income communities

(News source True this is in line with the program of the SBY government, through the Ministry of Housing and Ministry of public works, which prioritises residential development in the vertical as a solution to lack of housing facilities.

And, when we look at the condition of urban areas in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, then the above is the only solution for the problems that exist. During this time, government subsidies for dwelling very simple, actually cause the proliferation of housing development ultimately eliminate the agricultural land in the edge of town. However, I want to give a little note for the team of Mr Prabowo of the above program. The Program is not wrong, but need a deeper study to be implemented. Because of what. Because it provides a residential environment that is worthy of humanity as well as sustainable is not only the problem of the number of houses.

But how is man placed in there can feel comfortable, secure, and can develop fully as a human being.

Interesting to consider is about the amount of twenty- last, given the time Mr.

Jusuf Kalla the vice president, He also launched a program of a thousand tower towers. In fact these programs meet a variety of constraints so as not to reach the target. However it is funny when Mr. Jusuf Kalla launched a program of a thousand tower, it is now provided is the program of the twenty- tower. Once again I said program, twenty tower flats Mr Prabowo is better. However, reflecting on the failure of the thousand tower, preferably the same mistake is not repeated.

Here is my review: Program Mr.

This must be clarified, low-income people which was which. The group of lower middle income like me (S) or of the workers and small traders who live on the riverbanks. It should be recognized, during this time workers and very poor people not able to BUY the towers that are already subsidized though. So the construction of twenty the tower is also to be determined, will be the flat rent (can rent by very poor people) or the towers belong to (which can be bought by a group of lower middle income). To note the constraints that exist, which include fraud and investment activities which lead to the groups targeted did not goto the towers. Regarding the land. In the program Mr. Prabowo, said land should be provided by the state. Yes. But it is precisely here that one of the failures of the thousand of tower towers.

Prabowo was targeting low-income communities

Because of what. Based on the LAW on housing and settlement Area, land for housing, including flats must be in accordance with the spatial plan areas where the authority is there in local government. Would be more appropriate if the term, using the ground State and the corresponding spatial plan. When it comes to Government, yes, can be various.

Fauzi Bowo is considered slow in providing land in Jakarta to the thousand tower.

While the name of the spatial plan can sometimes also change as he wants the head of the region. Can be seen from the cases of corruption involving heads of regions with the developer. It can be concluded that the implementation of the twenty- tower it is not as easy as in say. Take for example in Jakarta, how hard it is to find land with the designation of settlements that are still empty. If, the State provides the vacant land on the edge of the the city, also can not be arbitrary. The spatial plan area how. Then the transport plan is already supportive. All the project settlements will fail without the support of a network of adequate transportation.

People will only have a house but runs out so poor because I can't work.

Access to education facilities, economic and health must also be thought out. twenty the tower is also must pay attention to the carrying capacity of the area. For a city like Jakarta, the solution emergency with residential vertical may be enough for a while. But up to a certain point, I am sure Jakarta will no longer be able to accommodate the population additional. So the discourse to move the capital city like any other idea Mr Prabowo is also nice.

But if you move it just in another location on the island of Java yes just the same.

You should move to Kalimantan such as the ideas of Bung Karno first.

The Economic aspect, “the living space is not only about housing”, I never open a presentation with the above sentence.

When Mr Prabowo target the poor of course this should be well thought out.

How the hell are the characteristics of the economic activities of the poor.

They work more in the informal sector.

They spend most of their income to eat.

If they move, but run out it did not get the income again, yes they not be able to live also. That is why I mention the transport network supporting that. Move the poor people, who already have the pattern of life itself, have a typology of settlements themselves to a settlement of a new type is not easy. My question, is has been thought in the program of the twenty- tower last regarding integration with the activities of the informal economy of the community. Aspects of social - cultural, re I re, “living space is not only about housing”. It should be understood, the traditional settlement of Indonesian society is the village, with all its characteristics. The village currently connotes negative but the village is not the slum area of bad. The relationship between the residents in the village is very familiar, support each other.

Especially for poor groups in the community.

Well, although it is not impossible the atmosphere of the village can also be applied in residential vertical like a tower, but it takes more effort not only in the form of physical development but also the preparation of the people.

Singapore only need tens of years to condition the people live in the residential vertical.

Community Mental. Associated with the point earlier, to be able to execute the program twenty tower requires a mental revolution of the Indonesian population. So they want to keep the environment of the settlement itself, to live orderly, and not misusing the construction of towers. Happens a lot, poor people have the right to occupy the flats even re-sell or rent their house, while he himself back to the slums.

As a conclusion, at the moment I'm compiling a thesis regarding the solution of the settlements in Jakarta, with the study of the case of the pilot project program, Mr. Jokowi I tried to criticize the policy of Mr. Jokowi However, when I compare with my research, the idea of the good program of Mr Prabowo was not new.

The ideas of Mr. Jokowi to settlements in Jakarta is still more varied. Although I also didn't say that Mr.

Jokowi is free from problems.

Program twenty tower towers this still requires more strategy depth to make it right on target. This is a PR for a team of Mr Prabowo, and sorry if I may a suggestion, it might be more elegant if you use another term, because Mr. Jusuf Kalla already has a similar program only it's Just half of the program Mr. Prabowo Jixie looking for news that is close to Your preferences and choices. A collection of the news presented as a news choice that is more appropriate to Your interests. Jixie looking for news that is close to Your preferences and choices. A collection of news presented as news the choice of which is according to Your interest. Jixie looking for news that is close to Your preferences and choices. A collection of the news presented as a news choice that is more appropriate to Your interests. invited to discuss here ma'am. Unfortunately if posts like this do not proceed with the discussion.

For them, this is an opportunity to clarify the program his party.

See the Clippers, they seem to want to wave a white flag this season and focused on next season brighter.

Moreover, they also take off the center their primary Marcin.

'Our Target is double-digit. We currently have caleg DPR RI and we are confident of being able to obtain - percent in the parliament, said Hary. Short Story - Gang Robbed. Trucks that transport goods moving us, walk like a cow pissed. Some of the crockery fared na'as. One of the piggy bank chicken favorite. Information communication and education need to be continuously delivered to the community, that we all should be concerned with TUBERCULOSIS (TB is everybody concern).

The community can participate as.