This is the Rule of Law the Procedure and Terms of Establishment of PT. FDI in Indonesia

The following rules must be observed by foreign investors who will do investment in Indonesia (the establishment of PT PMA) is as follows: please be aware in filling out the application at BKPM, the capital base can be in the acceptance by the BKPM number - (ten billion rupiah) in which at least twenty-five (twenty five per one hundred) of the basic capital or a - (two billion five hundred million rupiah) must be placed and fully paidApply the Principle Permit, principle permit, according to Article one of the numbers sixteen Perka BKPM fifteen twenty fifteen is a permission that must be owned in order to start a business. The principle permit is submitted by filling an application form that has been determined by the coordinating board, and attach: Proof of the land lease agreement and or the building, in the form of recording the lease agreement-lease the land and or buildings on behalf of the company with a term of lease: Minimum of three (three) years to the field of business industry, a minimum of one (one) year for the business services trade, starting from the date the application is filed With the lists area of land used. Proof of affiliation and agreement borrow and use, if: the Place of domicile of the company's headquarters are located in one (one) of the building as a whole and integrated with several other companies that have affiliate the Place of domicile of the company's headquarters are on the land or buildings controlled by other companies who have affiliate or Affiliate referred to above, if one (one) group of companies, which is evidenced by ownership of stock in the Deed of the company. Location permission letter from relevant agencies regarding the layout of the city and the designation of the location of industry if the company is outside The Industry Recording Disturbance Permit (“UUG HO”) and or THERE for companies located outside the industrial area in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the local Area and For companies located in the Industrial Area or office building, is not required to attach the tape UUG HO and or THERE. LKPM the last period and a receipt of delivery of the OSS Center In BKPM BPMPTSP Province Districts of the City The recommendations of the Ministry of Institutions trustees if required according to the provisions of the business field, for example: the Recommendations of the Ministry of Trade c. The directorate of Business Development for the submission of SIUPL technical Recommendations Permit from the Director General of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture for the plantation of oil palm fruit and palm oil industries. The original letter of authorization stamped and seal of the company, if maintenance is not carried out directly by the board of directors the leadership of the company is equipped with a document receiver power.