The COMMISSION is requested to prevent the possibility of theft of personal data belonging to the voters - BBC News Indonesia

'That time we can download legally, not hacked yes

This warning was delivered after the Chairman of KPU, Arief Budiman, confirmed the cyber attack that targets the institutions of the organizers of this electionRuby Alamsyah rate of hacking will not be associated with change data that is available, the number list of voters or manipulate the data the results of the counting of votes. They got the system back up behind him.

Continue IT system of the COMMISSION it is not used as the basis for the calculation of the official.

So according to the law, counting it's official keep a tally of the manual, said Ruby told reporters Muhammad Irham who reported for BBC News Indonesia.

Things are very open to being hacked from the website of the COMMISSION is the theft of personal data in the voters list (DPT).

DPT is loading information full name, identification number of population (NIK), the address of the place of residence to the location of polling stations (TPS).

This Data provided the COMMISSION as service to the community to find out his name is listed in the DPT.

'It's a lot more to the occurrence of hacking the data base, and then leaked the data. Well, the system of the COMMISSION that it should display only limited data so that personal data it is not accessible to the general public, said Ruby. Ruby tells the story of the personal data of the public entering in the DPT election twenty fourteen and then never leak. At that time, he said, during the few days the COMMISSION does not provide security against the million personal data, so that anyone can freely download. But it lasts only in a matter of days, added the Ruby. The events of five years ago should serve as a lesson. Because, if it happens again the effect is the downfall of the credibility of the COMMISSION as an institution obliged to protect the data privacy community.

Because error security data base of the COMMISSION

In addition to the theft of personal data in the DPT, is prone to other hacked using DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service). With hacking this model, the server of the COMMISSION made busy so that the public will have difficulty to access the site of the COMMISSION. 'So that the data of the COMMISSION and its website could not be accessed most of the community. Alias system they are impressed down, said Ruby. Earlier, the Chairman of KPU, Arief Budiman, admitted the institution has been attacked by the hackers. According to the COMMISSION of such attacks originating from within and outside the country based on the Internet Protocol address (IP). 'Although the use the IP of the inside and outside of the country, the people is it right can from everywhere. The use of IP in the country, the person can also from the outside. Use the IP from the outside, can also the person from the inside, he said in Jakarta, Wednesday. 'We didn't know the man who If people are already arrested well You can identify, who he is, from where and the motive what is, he explained. So far, said Arief, the site Site is still safe from cyber attack. The COMMISSION continues to strive to ward off cyberattacks. Until now, KPU can still be accessible to the public.

'Although sometimes attacked and stop it for a while, but, everything can still be used, he added.

The COMMISSION ensures cyberattacks this won't affect the vote counting. Because, he said, the counting of votes is done in stages, starting from the TPS with the manual way. 'So if the system was attacked and the COMMISSION says I don't have to use it (online-red), well that is also not what-what election, Arief said. Executive director of Association for Election and Democracy (Perludem), Titi Anggraini, said the hacking of the data selector can be abused in the vote. He said such data could be used to print the electronic ID card fake in bulk. Then, use the chooser fake to do the voting 'Our expectations because this has been identified since the beginning, it should be the state could be more ready to protect the information systems used by the COMMISSION, and the COMMISSION should really prioritize its security system, said Titi. Last year, the Agency Cyber Password State (BSSN) issued a warning pattern cyber attack against the KPU related to the Election of twenty. BSSN identified a number of types of attacks, i.e. hacking, data leakage to the spread of stolen information to the community.