Sample Letter Of Agreement Lending Money - Sample Letter

Hopefully in a healthy state and lack nothing

Please Gan Thank you Share kinds of sample letter official commerce job application notice of application for private service agreement resignation of a collection of kinds of good and right latest years twenty sixteen was Already quite a long time I not update this blog due to my busy in the real worldHow is a friend to all. This morning I will be back share a sample letter the latest, but before that I will be reminded again of what I've shared some time ago. Before I already share that will certainly be useful for Friends who want to do the transaction of sale of land. A little different with what I'll share with you this morning, but still the same-the same is included in the category of a letter of agreement which is In our daily life, not infrequently we are faced with the condition where our financial thinning and other side we are in need of money for specific purposes. This certainly makes us compelled to borrow a sum of money to another party. And in carrying out the transaction of borrowing money, it is good to make a letter of agreement lending money to minimize the occurrence of disputes between the borrower and the lender.

Letter of agreement borrowing money is a letter created by both parties who agreed to carry out the rights and obligations of each and have been tying themselves to do or not do something.

In terms of the loan agreement money, then a deed which referred to is the lend sum of money to another party, and another party is obliged to return the money in accordance with the agreements already made by both parties.

Then how to make a letter of agreement borrowing money. Make a loan agreement the money is actually not difficult, the main thing to be loaded in the letter is the identity of both parties, the items of the agreement and signature of both parties.

And what's a letter perjajian loan money

For more details, let's look at the example below. On this day Monday date Sixteen December the year Two Thousand Thirteen we the undersigned below: a. With this stated, that the FIRST PARTY has with a legitimate and really have a debt money because the loan to the SECOND PARTY, amounting to, - (fifty million rupiah). The FIRST PARTY acknowledges having received the amount of money in full from BOTH PARTIES before signing the Agreement, so the Agreement is recognized by both parties and is valid as a sign of acceptance of the legitimate. The two sides have agreed to hold and bind themselves to the terms as well as the decrees in this agreement which are arranged in eight (eight) chapters as follows. The FIRST PARTY is obliged to pay interest on the money of such loans amounted to, eight (one comma eight percent) or the amount of Rp. per month until full repayment of the overall debt of the FIRST PARTY is done. The payment of such interest is made the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY every the eleventh month running during the entry into force of this Agreement. If the FIRST PARTY is negligent or not be able to meet all its obligations as stipulated in the Letter of this Agreement and or in the event of breach by the FIRST PARTY on one or several of its obligations as mentioned in the Letter of this Agreement, then the SECOND PARTY reserves the right to bill immediately in a lump sum amount payable on such loans despite the maturity of the agreement is not yet achieved. The FIRST PARTY dies before the maturity date of this agreement, except if the heirs of the FIRST PARTY is able and willing to fulfill the obligations related to the contents of the Letter of this Agreement. All costs of debt collection of the above, including the cost of bailiff and the costs the power of the SECOND PARTY to collect the debt, become the responsibility of and shall be paid by the FIRST PARTY the Cost of manufacture of this Agreement and all the costs associated with the loan debt aforesaid shall be borne by and shall be paid by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY. The FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY who has bound himself in covenant debt have agreed to take the way of kinship or of deliberation to reach a consensus to resolve matters or disputes that may arise. If it turns out that deliberation is considered not managed to get a settlement that is a relief both parties, both parties agreed to pursue at law by choosing a domicile on the (Office of the Registrar of the district Court of the City of Banda Aceh) with all its consequences. The letter of agreement is made on paper bermaterei to taste which was signed and made copies of the two magnitude of the same law, and each is held by the FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY. I can share this morning, so can be used as an additional reference for a Friend who is currently drafting a letter of agreement of lending money.