Parents sue his son for still living aboard - BBC News Indonesia

Christina and Mark Rotondo apparently already annoyed because the son, Michael, thirty years, not long moved in but already old enough to live independentlyCourt documents mention Michael does not pay rent or help work on a variety of the work of the house. He also ignores the amount of money offered his parents to buy a new residence. Although already five times to make a letter of expulsion, Christina and Mark Rotondo said their son still refused to leave the house. Eventually his parents sent the case to the court of Onondaga, near Syracuse, New York, on seven July, after months of unsuccessfully urging their sons to go. Lawyer Christina and Mark Rotondo, Anthony Adorante, told the Website his client didn't know how else to handle their son already grown up to leave home. Eviction letter first released on the second of February, according to the archives of the court. 'We have decided that You should immediately leave this house, so the sound of the letter. When Michael ignored the letter, his parents wrote again a letter of notification of expulsion the right with the help of their lawyers. 'With this You have been evicted, thus the contents of the a letter of notification dated thirteen February was signed by the mother, Christina Rotondo. 'We will start the procedure of enforcement of the law if You do not go up to fifteen March twenty. one hundred (about Rp million) to their child for the move - as well as greeting spicy offensive behavior. 'A lot of jobs available, even for those who have a history of bad work like you. Trying to find - you have to work said his parents.

In April, couples that go to court the local town to seek the expulsion of their son.

But they were told because Michael is part of the family, they need a judge who could order him to pack up and go. According to WABC News, Michael called the lawsuit his parents as 'retaliation' and has asked the court to cancel the request. The family Rotondo will bring their case to the court at the end of this month - a few weeks before the anniversary of Michael.