Office Of The Advocate Lawyers Field: Sample Letter Divorce Suit In The District Court Of

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The services of the Office of Advocate, Lawyer, Legal Consultant, Member of the Peradik in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, an Example of a Letter of Divorce Suit In the district Court the Following is a sample draft letter of a lawsuit that may very andabutuhkan, better will the lawsuit of divorce is submitted to wear), or for the purposes of education and the task for the students and or prospective Advocate, legal practitionerSample letter divorce suit that we made this is filed olehisteri (the Plaintiff) is That the subsequent marriage of the Plaintiff and the Defendant has also registered and recorded in the Office of Kependudukankah Terrain in accordance with an Excerpt of Marriage Certificate No. That accordingly, the marriage between the Plaintiff with the Defendant is valid in law as desired Pasal LAW No. one Year on Marriage That the Plaintiff is working as a Civil servant (PNS) and had to first apply for a permit to conduct a divorce suit on the date, therefore, the petition for a divorce lawsuit that was filed the Plaintiff has been in accordance with the provisions of Article five, paragraph PP No. forty-five Years old so it's worth a to be accepted and granted That after the establish of the marriage, being sued the Defendant then residing in the home of the parents of the Defendant on the Street) month after the marriage, Defendant began to change and more concerned with himself, so that began to occur frequently quarrel. Not only quarrels that occur, the Defendant also left the house in weeks, and the City of Medan, the Defendant pernahmengacam the Plaintiff to use a knife, where the knife barely about and injure the neck of the Plaintiff nyai, however the Defendant doesn't respond and instead angry. This condition is continued, so as to make the communication between the Plaintiff and Defendant as husband and wife is not harmonious again, which tried several times to contact the big family of the Defendant with the intent to reconcile back to the household of the Plaintiff with the Defendant, however, That based on the descriptions be overcome, it is clear that between the Plaintiff and the Defendant is no longer mutual affection love, love love, and That the starting point of the descriptions as the Plaintiff pointed out be addressed, for real-real between the Plaintiff and Defendant as husband and wife have a dispute, quarrel constantly, quarrels and between the Plaintiff by the Defendant can not live in harmony again as husband and wife, then has been pretty basic and legal reasons to declare the marriage between the Plaintiff with the Defendant broke up because of divorce with all the legal consequences due to lack of harmoniskan household of the Plaintiff and the Defendant as stated above, the Defendant as the Head of the Family is also not carrying out its responsibilities, namely the obligation to provide a living That the children from the marriage of the Plaintiff with the Defendant still brought age and still require care, guidance and affection of a mother.

Disampingi that, for this Defendant as his father tidakperduli will be formal and non formal education of the child, therefore, should and reasoned according to the law if the child is placed is brought parenting the Plaintiff.

This is in accordance with That the child of the Plaintiff and Defendant that requires a lot of cost to survival and education, then adalahkewajiban Defendant as his father to provide a living and the cost of lainnyasebesar Rp, - (five million rupiah) in cash and at the same time each month to Plaintiff since the filing of this lawsuit, dimanarinciannya is for the cost of school fees, lunch money, pocket money, money for the maintenance of health, the purposes of the school.

The payment is done the Defendant any date five each month until the child is an adult That similarly with the cost of living against to the Plaintiff is also the responsibility of the Defendant, so it's worth and reason of the law if the Defendant is also convicted to give the cost of living of Rp, - (two million rupiah) in cash and once every month to the Plaintiff, dimanah rincikannya is for the cost of feeding and maintenance of health. The payment is done the Defendant any date five every month That therefore the marriage between the Plaintiff with the Defendant has been recorded in the Office of the Department of Population and Civil City of Medan, then to Mr. Chairman of the district Court Niaga Medan to order the Registrar of the district Court Niaga Medan to transmit this decision to the Office of the Department of Population and Civil City of Medan so dicatatkandalam register book of divorce -Based on the description-the description of the juridical is resolved, please to the Chairman of the district Court Niaga Medan to call the parties to the litigants to present at trial has been determined for it to examination these things, while pleased to take the legal decisions that amarnya reads as follows: to Punish the Defendant to pay the money living, cost of living and child care, children's education amounting to Rp. (seven million dollars)to the Plaintiff each month, the payment is made the Defendant any date five each month Ordered the district Court Clerk Niaga Medan to submit a valid copy of this ruling to the Office of Kependudukankah Civil Records the City of Medan to be noted in the Register Book of Divorce that are running after this ruling permanent legal force, as well as a lawsuit of divorce is conditional. May sample letter divorce suit filed to the district Court by a wife (acting as Plaintiff) who worked as Civil Servants (PNS) is beneficial for anyone. Thank you so much. An example of the format or the draft of Special Power of attorney Cases or Criminal Cases to accompany the suspect in police investigators, the prosecutor's office. When opened job market for lawyers by the law or lawa firm and or company in Indonesia, of course a lot of pek.

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