Marriage and Divorce - the Post of State Registration

Registration of marriage under the Deed of should only be diupacarakan in Union Temple Church in which the JPNM has been inaugurated Helper Registrars of MarriageHelper Registrars Of Marriage issued Certificate Designation for something period specific to carry out the registration of the marriage at the place set forth in the certificate designation following the Deed of as well as the need to comply with directives of Office. Registration of Marriage in the Unity Temple Church of MANDATORY followed as well as with pengupacaraan marriage customs religion in the multitude. Action will be taken to the top of the Auxiliary Registrars of Marriage are just running registration of marriage civil sahaja without the ceremony of marriage followed indigenous religion. Couples need to make the registration of the original marriage outside the state under Section thirty-one Deed of in the official JPN nearest or at the official representatives of Malaysia outside the state. Registration originally this marriage must be performed: (i) one of the parties to the marriage has embraced Islam(ii) Both parties to the marriage that agree to divorce by mutual consent. (iii) Sipetisyen left by the husband and wife and he don't know where the husband and wife are. (iv) the opposing Party was living abroad and he might not go to Malaysia in the period of six months after the date of the petisyen it. (v) the opposing Party's desired present in the presence of a body of a conciliator and has deliberately not present(vi) the opposing Party was in jail for a period of five years and more(vii)Sipetisyen said that the party opposed to it had is had pain the brain can not diubatkan. (ix)the Court satisfied that there is a state of things which exception the cause being referred to an agency conciliator does not practice the Couple may get the Form of the Application for Registration of Marriage (Borang JPN. KC) at the Counter of Marriage, officials JPN Country Area Small Area Cawangan. RM. Mercenaries need to be made at the counter of marriage, officials JPN and resit paid will be issued in the name of a pair of men. This step is for making sure the men and women who will get married it knowing the proclamation and the status of the marriage each spouse before the proposed application for registration of the marriage in the Temple Church Unity. Couples who will get married should seriously and komited in running the affairs of the application for registration of marriage they. The presence of a partner to counter JPN is ensuring that personal data is protected and not exposed to Third parties, reduce the risk of personal data disalahguna and get an explanation for the in-situ if there are matters in dispute which require the endorsement and explanation.