Company registration (TDP) bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Company registration (TDP) is a list of official records are held according to or based on the provisions of the act or its implementing regulations, and contain things which are obliged to be registered by each company and approved by the competent authorityEvery company must have Company registration certificate (TDP) is a legal entity, cooperative, individual, etc. Any company that is a Limited liability Company (PT), Cooperative, Alliance Partnership (CV), Firm (Fa), Individuals, and Form Other Business (BUL), including a Foreign Company with the status of the Central Office, Single Office, Branch office, Auxiliary Office, subsidiaries, Agents, and Representatives a Company which is a resident and carries on business in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia shall be registered in the list company. Registration must be done by the owner or management of the company, or it can be delegated to other people by giving power of attorney. Sign List of Companies applicable for the Company is still operating and must be re-registered every five (five) years. Company registration (TDP) is proof that a company or business entity has been conducting its obligations to perform the registration of the company in the Company List. The obligation of registration in the List of Companies regulated by Law No. three of the Year Regarding Mandatory Company register, in particular Article. According to the Article, “Every company must be registered in the register of Companies”.

Registration must be done by the owners or directors of the relevant company, or can be delegated to other people with power of attorney.

In principle the List of Companies aiming to record the description of a company, and is the official source of information for parties concerned. Description that can include the identity of and other information about the company. Any interested parties, after meeting the cost of administration assigned, has the right to acquire information needed with how to get a copy or excerpt of the official description listed in the Company List. Excerpts of the official that can be obtained from the companies registration office. A company must be registered in the List of Companies is a business entity that is a Legal Entity, Cooperative, Partnership (Commanditaire CV, Firma), and Individuals. The form of such business entity including branch office, auxiliary office, subsidiaries and agents and representatives. Special Small Company Individuals that run personally, employ only the closest family members, do not require a business license, and is not a legal entity or a partnership are excluded from the mandatory The List Of Companies. Company registration is done by filling the registration form set Form submission is done at the companies registration office in the place of domicile of the office of the company or at the premises of each branch office, auxiliary office of the company or a subsidiary office.

If the company can not be registered in such places, because for example there are no available means of registration, then the registration is done at the companies registration office in the Capital of the Province of the place of domicile of the company.

Registration must be done within a period of three months after the company started running its business.

The minister of Industry and Trade, through the registration office of the local, responsible for the implementation of the List of Companies. The minister of Trade and Industry sets the position of the registration office along with the composition and procedures of implementation of the List of Companies. In a period of three months after receiving the the registration form has been filled, the authorized official of the company registration office set ratification or rejection. If the competent authorities determine that the registration by the employers concerned have been carried out unlawfully or are incomplete or incorrectly or contrary to public order or to decency, the official may refuse the registration, stating the reason-the reason and provide an opportunity to the employers concerned to conduct rectification or re-registration. Denied party registration can submit his her objection To Companies that have passed their registration in the List of Companies given a List of Companies that apply for a period of five (five) years. If the Company lost, the entrepreneur is obliged to submit a written request to the company registration office to obtain a replacement in time not later than three months after the loss.