A new First To Indonesia, Lawyers of Japan: Kok, Can, Yes, Who was Escorted by the Police on the Toll Roads

'The amount was the total corruption of the three countries

His visit to Indonesia, especially to Jakarta to meet with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as well as visiting the courts of South Jakarta and attended a seminar that made Jakarta Japan Club

'How could yeah anyone escorted by the police on the toll road so it could be a quick walk up to the destination from Soekarno Hatta international airport, said lawyer Japan Kengo Nishigaki special to the site.

This Monday in the offices of lawyers Baker McKenzie where he worked. READ ALSO: Considered to be Backward and Poor, ten Photo This is Precisely the Show the Lives of the Citizens of the 'Elite' in North Korea 'was Not.

We use ordinary cars, ordinary road, follow the flow of vehicles that were there, indeed jammed once, but yes what may make, he said.

Nishigaki also confused still a lot of corruption happened in Indonesia until now so that his client may be somewhat annoyed face amount of corruption held in Indonesia especially in the field of Customs and the Court. 'First about four years ago I accompanied the client to the field of transportation that got the much asked for money corruption so that business can be smoothly, he added.

Of the three countries related to corruption handled the transportation field at that time, namely in Indonesia, Vietnam and Uzbekistan, the amount of money corruption which should be di-to reach the million yen, or about Rp, six billion.

But in Indonesia and in Uzbekiztan were not left unharmed. for Indonesia, the compressive again. If in Japan, he added, is clear already soon go to prison or the fine is very expensive if the corruption done by the officers of the state. 'In Japan there was never a case of Judges of corruption.

But I got a report of many of the judges and or law officer in Indonesia, which is precisely the corruption.

In Vietnam dealt with the good and punished the man

If you don't give money to all parties, the process will not be the way it seems, he said again. READ ALSO: Percussion Trade War, the U.S. Asked the WTO to Drop the Sanctions Rp Trillion to Indonesia, What is Why. Concerns that frankly makes her dizzy head is not just himself as a Lawyer but also his clients of the Japanese businessmen in Indonesia. 'Corruption did not have a receipt How to do bookkeeping that money out is not clear. This will not be done by we the people Japan. Accountability for the use of money must be clear and don't will probably use the money for corruption, because in Japan will hit the criminal acts of the briber or accept bribes.

Nishigaki said, is thinking about the possibility of cooperation (ABCJ) with several parties in Indonesia such as JJC (Jakarta Japan Club) or with the COMMISSION so that it can come to help each other do the effort of handling anti-corruption which is still a lot happening in Indonesia today.

'I love Indonesia, the air is more cool than Tokyo that the heat of the moment. Food in Indonesia is also delicious I want to return to Indonesia some time later, said lawyer Japan is already eighteen years experience in the field.